• Why Are People So Mean Online?

    Article by Joe Martino

    Has the Internet destroyed empathy and compassion? How do we stay connected with humans in a world where we often don't see or hear one another? Is it possible to awaken the heart of humanity online?

    As I watch the online response to what is happening between Israel, Hamas & Palestine, I see a lot of pain, sorrow and hatred. I can of course understand the difficulty of the moment and the grief and sorrow people are feeling for their brothers and sisters, but I also believe all conflict is an opportunity.

    I believe we need to continue to awaken the heart of humanity. To move from our heads and an allegiance to a bloodline or political view, and into our hearts. It is there where we have empathy, connection, and a different way of seeing how to respond to events brewing from decades of collective trauma and geo-political agendas.

    I am reminded of a piece that was written in 2014 by a team member when all of our work was done through Collective Evolution. It discussed online behavior and how quickly we turn to insults and dehumanize people simply because we cannot see them.

    I thought it might be useful at this moment, so I am reposting it below for you to consider. But before I get to that piece, I want to invite you into a moment of collective witnessing.

    In 2009 when I founded Collective Evolution part of what I felt inspired to do was bring mass numbers of people together to hold a more neutral and curious perspective toward collective consciousness and current events.


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