• Secrecy and Mysteries Challenge the Official History of Antarctica

    Article by Jordan Sather

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    While translating this article in French (otherwise somewhat perfunctory compared with all I've read and heard on the subject), I couldn't help reminiscing about Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, the famous critically acclaimed and several-time awarded PC game I was very fond of (one of the few I've ever played). First released in the early 90's, the plot was originally meant for a sequel to the Last Crusade movie. Inspiration for the story was primarily drawn from Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, and from Ignatius Loyola Donnelly's book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World that allegedly revived interest in the myth during the nineteenth century.

    The magical properties of orichalcum and the Atlantean technology depicted in the game were partly adopted from Russian spiritualist Helena Blavatsky's publications on the force vril. The giant colossus producing gods was based on a power-concentrating device called "firestone", formerly described by American psychic Edgar Cayce. (Source)

    If I remember correctly (after such a long time), references were made to Hyperborea and the Thule island which gave its name to the occult German secret society some of the Nazi ideology is said to be highly derived from. Somehow, all these recent findings in Antarctica actually remind me of that.


    In late 1946, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia on a mission to Antarctica called “Operation Highjump“. This mission involved 4700 soldiers, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft in what was officially called a research expedition.

    The part of the story that is seldom told outside of official circles is what Byrd encountered there. While conventional knowledge of World War II states that Germany was defeated in Europe, which is true, little is often said about the Nazi escape South to their bases in Antarctica. While the Allied powers won World War II on the ground in Europe due to their industrial might, the Nazi’s had far more advanced technology, and many members of Hitler’s regime reportedly fled to the icy continent after the war.

    It is highly likely Operation Highjump was a military operation to engage these enemy forces, and was apparently unsuccessful, as Byrd and his battle group suffered heavy losses and retreated to South America.


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