• The Biggest Threat To Our Freedom

    Article by Joe Martino

    During the Freedom Convoy, Justin Trudeau’s government decided they were going to freeze the bank accounts of peaceful protestors as a means to deter and stop protests that, quite frankly, were making the Canadian government look bad in the eyes of many.

    As many as 280 bank accounts were frozen during that time. Those tax paying citizens who disapproved of government policies and wanted to peacefully say something about it lost access to their funds in a matter of hours.

    The truth is, this type of action by government could become much more common in the near future, and they could do it much more quickly.

    In fact, with what’s coming, governments could have the power to stop you from buying anything without their permission. They could even monitor and track everything you buy, including who you buy it from. This would all be done through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

    In this piece I’ll break down what CBDCs are, ways in which they can be used nefariously, and how we can stop them.

    A Quick Overview of CBDCs

    A Central Bank Digital Currency, also known as a CBDC, is a new form of digital money similar to a cryptocurrency. But unlike cryptocurrencies which are decentralized and private, CBDCs are not at all. They are instead the total opposite of cryptocurrency.

    CBDCs are completely owned and controlled by governments. Meaning governments would hold your wallet, your money, and have access to all of your banking information. This would include information on every transaction in your daily life. It’s ultimate centralization.

    With cryptocurrencies, governments can’t track how much you have, where you spend your money, or who you give it to. Plus they are decentralized, effectively pulling power away from central banks who have been using debt to control and enslave entire populations for decades.

    With upcoming CBDCs, governments would enjoy more secrecy, and be able to control their population more than they currently do. CBDCs would also be easier to tax, since hiding any money from the government would be impossible.

    Remember, central banks ARE the problem, and have been for decades. Crypto was created to stop this problem, yet they have gotten a bad rep because they don’t serve the interests of powerful people.


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